Taste of Prague podcast

Taste of Prague Czech Podcast, Ep 10 - David Böhm of El Camino Tapas Restaurant

Taste of Prague Czech Podcast, Ep 10 - David Böhm of El Camino Tapas Restaurant

[Note to all English readers: This podcast and its description are both in Czech. Please look for English episodes of the podcast. Thank you!]

Když na konci listopadu 2019 otevřel El Camino Tapas Restaurant, byla to pro mnohé otvíračka roku. Ale ti, kteří se do předchůdce El Camina, restaurace Medité v Mariánských lázních, vypravili již dříve, věděli, že David Böhm, majitel, šéf placu i kuchyně v jednom a do velké míry i tvář podniku, neponechá nic náhodě ani v Praze. A v podstatě plná restaurace od prvních dnů po otevření tomu byla jenom důkazem.

V El Camino totiž nejde jen o jídlo, které je vynikající, ale zejména o jeho prezentaci a o servis, který David Böhm umí opravdu skvěle. Každý chod, každé jídlo je vysvětleno do největších podrobností, včetně historického výkladu. Navíc je napárováno s vynikajícím vínem, o kterém vám David dokáže básnit dlouhé minuty. Pokud se o vás stará, máte pocit, že jiný stůl v restauraci neexistuje.

Je takováto úroveň hospitality něčím, co má člověk v krvi, nebo se jí dá naučit? Zejména na to jsme se Davida při natáčení podcastu zeptali.

Taste of Prague Czech Podcast, Ep 9 - Zdenka and Martin of Sí Toskánsko

Taste of Prague Czech Podcast, Ep 9 - Zdenka and Martin of Sí Toskánsko

[Note to all English readers: This podcast and its description are both in Czech. Please look for English episodes of the podcast. Thank you!]

Možná nám nebudete věřit, ale letní výlet do Toskánska jsme si plánovali už minulý rok. Ale pak přišla korona a chvíli to vypadalo, že se letos nepodíváme vůbec nikam. No ale nakonec jsme přesně kolem data, kdy došlo k uvolnění hranic v rámci EU, dostali pozvání do Toskánska od Zdenky a Martina, se kterými si už nějakou dobu dopisujeme přes Instagram a kteří s námi před pár týdny udělali super rozhovor přes Instagram (podívejte se sem). Vzhledem k situaci měli u sebe ve vile volno, tak jsme mohli na týden přijet, a nebudeme vám lhát - bylo to opravdu perfektní. Ještě o tom napíšeme článek, tak se za pár dní podívejte na blog. Bude tam hodně tipů.

Podcast jsme natočili poslední večer našeho pobytu na dvorku vilky, kde Zdenka a Maťo žijí a odkud provozují Sí Toskánsko, malou cestovní agenturu, která v Toskánsku zprostředkovává bydlení a zážitky nejrůznějšího druhu, které se však točí zejména kolem dobrého jídla a pití. Aby taky ne, Martin je známý šéfkuchař a jako jeden z porotců slovenské verze soutěže Masterchef svého druhu celebrita, která prožila a provařila 11 let v top kuchyních v Londýně, a Zdenka je zakladatelka Sí Toskánsko (Maťo se podle svých slov do projektu "přiženil"), která sama jídlo miluje a věnuje mu spoustu času. Podle vlastních slov je Zdenka ta, která tráví večery nad maily, zatímco Maťo díky své otevřené povaze převzal roli "animátora".

Taste of Prague Czech Podcast, Ep 8 - Jan Čeřovský of Jižní svah and Družstvo

Taste of Prague Czech Podcast, Ep 8 - Jan Čeřovský of Jižní svah and Družstvo

[Note to all English readers: This podcast and its description are both in Czech. Please look for English episodes of the podcast. Thank you!]

Pokud se nějakou dobu pohybujete ve světě vína a žijete v Čechách, jméno Jan Čeřovský Vám nebude neznámé. Nezávislý autor, který o víně psal pro Hospodářské noviny a nyní například pro českou mutaci časopisu Forbes, se vínům věnuje již téměř dvě dekády a v roce 2007 si založil blog o víně, Jižní svah, kam píše svoje postřehy, recenze a další články o víně a o gastroprůmyslu. Pokud máte rádi víno a jeho blog nečtete, měli byste okamžitě začít. A rovnou Honzovi přispět na jeho provoz, protože si podporu za to, co dělá, určitě zaslouží.

Mnozí ho také budou znát jako člena skupiny Družstvo. Tato skupina mladých someliérů a lidí točících se kolem vína pořádá vinné pop-upy, které se vždy odehrávají na zajímavých místech (v minulosti třeba na Strahovského stadionu nebo ve Vile Tugendhat) a kde se podává výhradně naturální víno, které splňuje určitá kritéria co do spontánnosti kvašení nebo množství přidané síry. Pokud jste ještě na žádném jejich pop-upu nebyli, musíte to okamžitě změnit. A když píšeme okamžitě, myslíme nejspíš během léta, kdy už snad restrikce ohledně větších akcí pominou.

Honzu jsme si do podcastu pozvali, protože na rozdíl od mnoha jiných, kteří se vínem zabývají, není zatížen nějakou konkrétní filozofií ani v něm nemá žádný komerční zájem. Jeho názory jsou objektivní a v zásadě nestranné. A to je dnes vzácnější, než si možná myslíte.

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 11 - Gwilym Davies, coffee judge and barista trainer

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 11 - Gwilym Davies, coffee judge and barista trainer

We have written before about how good the Prague coffee scene is. There’s a few reasons why, but we did mention one specific contributing factor: the power duo of Petra Vesela and her UK-born husband, Gwilym Davies, who happens to be the 2009 World Barista Champion.

They may have met under some interesting circumstances: we will just mention a death threat during a coffee competition, judges locked in the judges room… and a bottle of whiskey in the very same room, a leftover from an Irish coffee preparation before. For the rest of the story, you will just have to listen to the podcast. Anyway, Gwilym came over to see Petra in Jílové, a village near Prague, and the rest is history.

Gwilym is an incredibly interesting guest to interview because…

  • He is in a unique position to compare Prague and London coffee scenes (which we do a lot of in the podcast), since he owns a stake in Prufrock coffee in London but lives in Prague

  • He was one of the pioneers of the Third Wave Coffee revolution, having learnt the craft in New Zealand and brining it to Europe. He was right there with James Hoffmann and Scott Rao, the people who have helped define what a specialty coffee operation looks like.

  • He and Petra own a barista training centre that will train anybody from the general public to baristas who are about to compete in the World Barista Championships. You always see Gwilym and Petra in a Prague coffee shop with a barista from Korea, Japan or Australia who flew over just to have their presentation fine tuned by Gwilym and Petra, who are both certified judges for high-profile barista championships and events.

  • He is now also a roaster under The Naughty Dog label, taking on a different role in his never-ending quest and thirst for knowledge.

As a result, Gwilym has helped cultivate and improve the coffee scene in Prague through his trainings and sheer presence, and has been a connecting link between Prague’s coffee culture and the rest of the coffee world. But as you will hear in the podcast, he has learnt a thing or two from Czech baristas, and brought some of that knowledge with him back to London and Prufrock Coffee.

Finally, Gwilym is a super nice guy that is just a pleasure to talk to. We sat for about 40 minutes in Kafe Pragovka during the Czech Barista Championships, and despite the noise in the coffee shop and at the event (sorry about that!), we had an absolute blast talking to Gwilym.

This is some of the things we discussed with Gwilym during the interview:

  • What does he like about the Prague coffee scene.

  • How does it compare to the London coffee scene.

  • Does he feel a part of the Prague coffee scene, or London coffee scene? In terms of the clientele, the drinks, the quality of coffee, or the living standards of baristas?

  • Is there anything specific about the Prague coffee scene?

  • How long will he continue to judge barista competitions? Has he ever faced any threats as a judge?

  • When was the last time he saw a presentation as a judge that was, well… different or surprising in any way?

  • Does he ever plan to open a coffee shop in Prague or the Czech Republic?

  • What does he miss from the UK?

  • What are the things he would miss from the Czech Republic if he were to move back to the UK?

There you have it. Hope it Enjoy the podcast!

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 10 - Taste of Prague's Travel Tips

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 10 - Taste of Prague's Travel Tips

Alright, this is the moment some of you have been waiting for - Zuzi joining Jan behind the mike, and giving some tips about the way we travel. Now, if you’ve been following us for some time, you know that we love to travel, and we have been getting many questions by email and social media about our particular way of traveling. So when we invited everyone to post questions about a month ago on our Instagram feed, we did expect some questions, but we did not expect so many.

As a result, we have decided to record two separate episodes: one about our travel in general, and a second one (later on) about our travel with JJ (now over 2 years old) as a family. We got lots of questions about both and we thought that the answers would be too long for a single episode, and that the questions about family travel with a toddler would be irrelevant to many. The first episode comes out today, and please stay tuned for the second one… eventually.

We have also edited the questions a bit, combining what really were the same questions, but perhaps worded differently. We also skipped questions asking for tips for various destinations because again - answering them would take a long time and would be irrelevant for many. If you need tips for specific destinations, please have a look at our Instagram highlights, or send us an email. We’ll do our best.

We recorded the podcast in the cinema of the Bokovka wine bar and had a lot of fun doing it. We actually recorded it twice, because we were unhappy about how the first recording turned out. But hey, having more wine while recording worked wonders the second time around. Go figure. These are some of the topics we have discussed:

  • When did we start traveling and where?

  • How many trips do we take per year?

  • How do we choose our destinations?

  • Which countries have we visited?

  • What has been our favorite destination so far? Which destination had the best food?

  • Any dream destination we want to visit? Or any places we do NOT want to see and why?

  • How did Jan overcome his fear of flying?

  • How do we buy our flight tickets?

  • How do we choose the type and location of accommodations?

  • How do we research restaurants?

  • Do we book tables at restaurants ahead of time?

  • How much planning is involved in our travels?

  • How do we deal with language barriers?

So stuff like that. The answers take about an hour, but we tried to be brief. Oh, and one more thing: we drop names of products and services during the podcast. We are not affiliated with any of them, and none of the mentions have been paid for in any way. It’s just the products and services we have been using in our travels, nothing more.

Thank you for all those questions, and we hope you like this episode!

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 9 - Brewsta, Prague Burger Enthusiast and Food Blogger

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 9 - Brewsta, Prague Burger Enthusiast and Food Blogger

To quote David Letterman, my next guest needs no introduction. That is, if you’ve been living in Prague for the past decade or so and have had a keen interest in food. The one, the only, Czech Please, aka Brewsta, aka the Masked Food Critic. Okay, I made that last one up - got carried away a bit here.

Anyway, Brewsta started his Prague-centric English-writted food blog back in 2007, as the first… ehhh… Prague-centric English-writted food blog back then. There literally was nothing else - either the horribly metaphoric (and secretly distorted by hidden friendships and behind-the-back deals) Czech restaurant reviews in the mainstream media, or Brewsta. We followed him religiously, and if I am ever diagnosed with diabetes, I will blame all the chocolate fondants I ate because of Brewsta in between, let’s say 2009 and 2012. Amazingly, the blog is still live, and I think this is the only reason why blogspot as a platform should never be unplugged from the interwebs.

What has ready made Brewsta famous around Prague have been his Prague burger rankings, a tradition of 13 years now. Ranking anywhere between the city’s best 20 to 30 burgers, Brewsta is putting his body on the line so that you don’t have to. And people listen. I am always amazed how even Czechs who normally do not follow English-speaking food-related outlets can list the top five burgers out of Brewsta’s list every single year.

Another thing that you should know about Brewsta is his strong desire to stay anonymous through his entire blogging career and a strong separation of his private life from his blogging life. So we avoid questions that might in any way reveal his real identity. 

Which was a bummer for us - we wanted to conduct the interview in a burger joint, seeing Brewsta do what he does best: eat and rate a burger. But he does not want to draw attention to himself and let people in the food industry know what he looks like. Luckily, the good people at Mr. HotDog made a special delivery to the door of our Taste of Prague apartment where we held the interview, so you will hear Brewsta munching away at their delicious beef sliders and listen to his burger ranking process. 

We also discuss his 2020 Prague burger rankings that came out on the day of the interview, his experience as an expat living in Prague for 20+ years, the sustainability and the environmental footprint of the beef industry, and whether he will ever rate vegetarian or vegan burgers. Listen away, Brewsta is a great guy to meet and interview.

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 8 - Journalist Joann Plocková

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 8 - Journalist Joann Plocková

Influencers, as a new phenomenon in travel and food, never cease to fascinate us. And we are not talking about the Kardashian lookalikes that will try to sell you anything from energy water to teeth whitening products. We are talking about the people who you may not follow, or even know about, but influencer the way you eat or travel even without you realizing it. And when you think about it, journalists are the prototypical influencers. So you read an article about a destination and though hmmm, that sounds nice… maybe we could go there next year, what interests me is who wrote that piece, who edited it and in what way, who decided to run it in the first place, and so on.

Which brings us to the guest of Episode 8 of our little podcast, Joann Plocková. Joann is travel and design writer who has written pieces for the likes of The New York Times, Monocle, AFAR (once about us, yay!), Financial Times, Conde Nast Traveller and others. And she also wrote a part of the Louis Vuitton guide for Prague and the Wallpaper guide for Prague. Talk about influencing the way you travel! 

Anyway, Joann is one of the nicest writers we have ever worked with - she does not just phone it in (and believe us, we have worked with multiple journalists who hardly did anything but phoning it in, and they are, sadly, influencers too) and she takes her research and writing very seriously. She also happens to be a US expat who has been living in Prague steadily since 2007 and has a unique perspective on Prague and Central Europe as a whole.

We met in the great Ronin Coffee Spot in the Vinohrady district and chatted about her life as an expat in Prague, about the hustle of being a freelance journalist, about the success rate of her pitches (you’ll be surprised - she knows a thing or two about pitching), and about a thing that I have been discussing quite a bit: who actually writes the narrative about a destination, and can locals do anything about it? Like when Buzzfeed puts out a picture of the horrendous trdelník pastry and in a few weeks, it becomes the most Instagrammed food of Prague, while local foodies just shake their heads in bitter disbelief, is there anything we can do to change that?

Anyway, if you have ever though about influencers, narratives of different destinations, or ever though about being a freelance journalist or travel writer, this episode is for you.

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 7 - Chef Bára Simunková

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 7 - Chef Bára Simunková

Okay, all Czech chefs who worked, not staged, in multiple three-Michelin star restaurants in a big city abroad, hands up! Okay, there must be only one. Bára Šimůnková has worked in Eleven Madison Park, Le Bernardin and Per Se, three 3-Michelin stars in New York City. Again, was not there on a stage (except Eleven Madison Park) - she actually worked there as a line chef. And now she’s coming back and is hopefully due to open a restaurant in Prague in the spring. Oh yeah, and she’s not even 30.

Anyway, we have heard of Bára when she came back and worked at our favorite bakery in Prague, Praktika, and it was nearly mythical: „have you heard of this Bára? She worked at Per Se and Le Bernardin and she’s amazing.“ And as will be revealed in the podcast, she was praised by Paul Day when he hired her for Sansho as her first job out of school. Given all that, it’s a wonder that Bára has been moving below the radar and has not been filling the title pages of major Czech cooking and food magazines.

Maybe it’s because she’s laser-focused and does not waste a lot of time. She knows what she wants and does not take sh*t from anybody. When she felt being passed over for promotion because she was a girl from the East, she went straight to the managers to talk it over. When she arrived in NYC, she basically sent emails to what she thought were the best five restaurants in town, and got a response from three right away.

And now she’s back and due to open a restaurant in Prague. What are the differences between chef life in NYC and Prague? How does she feel about the Prague food scene, having come back from the best restaurants of NY? How demanding is work in a three-Michelin restaurant? What will her Prague restaurant be all about? Listen to find out. Enjoy the podcast with Bára!

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 6 - Lindsey Tramuta and Wendy Lyn, Paris

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 6 - Lindsey Tramuta and Wendy Lyn, Paris

oday’s podcast episode is a bit special because it’s the first time we have taken the podcast on the road, namely to Paris, the City of Lights. You know, we have been visiting Paris quite frequently over the years, and while the first, pre-Taste of Prague visit was absolutely delicious dreadful, we’ve learnt to navigate Paris our own way, avoiding the tourist traps and enjoying what Paris does best - food and wine, obviously.

Now, we have posted our tips for Paris previously quite some time ago, but we thought it would be fun to talk to some insiders who have lived in Paris for quite some time and whom we have been following to get some inside scoops about what’s what in the French capital. And it this podcast, we have spoken to two absolutely fantastic ladies who are just that.

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 5 - Concierge Petr Zezula

Taste of Prague Podcast, Ep 5 - Concierge Petr Zezula

Hey there! It’s another Thursday, which means another episode of the Taste of Prague podcast, a podcast by Taste of Prague food tours about travel and food in Prague and the rest of the world. This episode is again more about tourism than food, but we are super excited. We don’t think high-ranking hotel concierges often get to - or want to - talk, so that’s why we are stoked to have been able to record an episode with Mr Petr Zezula, former managing concierge of Prague’s Four Seasons hotel.

When we started Taste of Prague food tours back in 2011, we had absolutely no prior experience with tourism. How it worked, how did the product get to the customer, who do you promote to, how to work with the individual stakeholders, who were the gatekeepers and the movers. But soon enough, having made friends in the industry and meeting and sharing experience with like-minded people who ran tours, too, one name started popping up quite a lot. The ultimate player in the industry. The guy sitting at the very top. The one and only. Capo di tutti capi. Petr Zezula, the managing concierge at the best hotel in town, the Prague Four Seasons, and the President of the Czech Chapter of Les Clefs d’Or organization.

But meeting Petr eye to eye, capo di tutti capi would probably be the last thing on your mind. He is friendly yet dignified, projects a sense of calm and is soft-spoken, and he’s a great listener with a keen and authentic interest in what you have to say. One would even say introverted. But just a few words into the conversation, and you’ll realize Petr is an incredible wealth of knowledge, the person who always knows what to, what the protocol is, and whom to call. And he has this sense of self-confidence that one assumes can only come from years of experience, while being open to new ideas he has not been confronted with.

And perhaps because he resigned from the position and left the Four Seasons a year ago for deeply personal reasons, we had the unique opportunity to talk to him and ask him about the role of the concierge, his own career, and what he misses and does not miss from his old job. We think this episode is a rare insight into the world of a high-ranking concierge and their world that, at times, seems to be rooted in the old, better days of a 1960s Bond movie. (Without the sexism, obviously.)

If you want to stay on top of our podcast, please subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Soundcloud to get the latest from us.