2022 Prague Christmas Dining and NYE Dining Guide

2022 Prague Christmas Dining and NYE Dining Guide

We’re back, baby! 

Yes, after two Covid years, the 2022 holiday season finally feels like a real holiday season in Prague - the Christmas markets are on (and not cancelled two hours before their were supposed to start like last year), Prague is full of tourists, and the shopping craze is not hindered by any pesky shutdowns or curfews. Yay?!?

Which also means that if you’re reading this now, frantically trying to find a place to eat out on Christmas Eve, it’s probably too late. But if we were to look for a place to eat out during holidays, it would be one of the ones below. 

So good luck, and here’s our 2022 Prague Christmas and NYE Dining Out Guide.

Prague neighbourhood guide: Bubenec

Prague neighbourhood guide: Bubenec

Bubeneč is a very quiet, green, residential neighbourhood known for embassies occupying large villas, and Stromovka, the biggest park in Prague. This is the district where people settle to start families - it is full of parks, playgrounds and kindergartens, with very few bars or any night life to talk of. It is now na affluent neighbourhood that ticks a lot of boxes - it is near the city centre, but not in it, and while it offers the leaf cover of some fancy districts like Hanspaulka, it does not feel as far away and has everything you’d need.

Now, before we start, we use the term „Bubeneč“ very liberally and do not stick to its precise, administrative borders. So no angry letters please - the are we cover here will inevitably, at times, spill over into Dejvice.

Our Prague guide to St Martin's Goose and Wine - 2022 edition

Our Prague guide to St Martin's Goose and Wine - 2022 edition

Easy. St Martin’s Day falls on the 11th of November and it celebrates St Martin of Tours, one of the first „non-Martyr saints“, a soldier-turned-Bishop who lived in the 4th Century. There are many legends surrounding his life, but only a few are relevant for us specifically.

Namely, it’s St Martin goose, St Martin rolls, St Martin wines, and St Martin arriving on a white horse.

Traditionally, St Martin is said to be arriving on a white horse, meaning that November 11 tends to coincide with the first snow of the winter season. Well, due to a little thing called climate change, this hasn’t been the case very much lately. Still, St Martin is the day on which you feast on comfort food before the Nativity Fast hits on November 28: there’s a few legends involving geese and St Martin (they either made loud, annoying noises during his sermons, or he hid among geese when they came over to make him a Bishop, and they ratted him out - in any case, they misbehaved and must be punished one way or the other), but the fact is St Martin goose with cabbage or sauerkraut and dumplings is an absolute St Martin’s Day classic, along with sweet rolls filled with either nuts or poppies.

So where do you have St Martin’s goose in Prague? Read on.

Introducing Šodó, our joint bistro with PG Foodies

Introducing Šodó, our joint bistro with PG Foodies

Not sure if you’re following us on Instagram or Facebook, but you may have noticed our big announcement: we will be opening Šodó, a bistro in the Dejvice district (which is roughly where we live), with Gabi and Petr, aka PG Foodies, of Etapa. We will be hiring in September, and we hope to welcome you all in our new place some time in November.

We’re sure you’re having questions. Let’s answer some of them.

Best places in Prague since Covid

Best places in Prague since Covid

So you've been to Prague before and now are planning a repeated visit to the city, but you're wondering what's changed since Covid? You are in the right place – this is the best 10 places in Prague that open since Covid. Hooray for listicles!!!

These are presented in no particular order, and while a surprising number of new businesses opened in Prague since the pandemic, we think these are the ones that you should visit. Here’s the list.

How to enjoy our Prague food tours

How to enjoy our Prague food tours

We’ve been running food tours in Prague and Moravia for 11 years now, and we can confidently say that we’ve seen it pretty much all. But there are some mistakes our guests make, and some misconceptions they have, over and over again. So we’ve said “enough”!

Here’s five basic tips that will help you enjoy our food tours (and any other tours, really) to the fullest.

Moravian wines to have in Prague in 2022

Moravian wines to have in Prague in 2022

Are you in Prague this year, love wine and want to get into Moravian wines, but don’t know where to start? We’re happy you’re here. First of all, good job you for knowing about Moravian wines. They are hardly ever exported (the entire wine production of the Czech Republic satisfies only about 40% of its consumption) and definitely worth looking into. Second, good job finding your way here. Because we have a few ideas. A starter pack, if you will.

We won’t lie to you: this list is heavily biased by our very own Moravian wine tours and whatever it is we taste on our explorations of the Moravian wine country. But we do believe that the winemakers we visit are the best we can visit, and we choose them very, very carefully to be a true representation of what great Moravian wines and winemakers can be. (BTW, if you want to book a spot, don’t hesitate - it’s an awesome weekend out of Prague that sells out quick and is always guided by Jan, who happens to write these words.)

So without hesitation, here we go - a few wines you should try in Prague while you’re here.

Best Children's Playgrounds in Historical Prague (According to Us)

Best Children's Playgrounds in Historical Prague (According to Us)

If you follow our Instagram, you know we love to travel with our little JJ. Travelling with him and seeing the destination through his eyes is truly rewarding... as is giving him to the grandma for a day or two once we come back. (Sheesh, rewarding but so tiring, too!)

Anyway, while we want to do the things we want to do when we travel, we try to make sure he gets what we call his “executive time” - a good hour of juts pure playtime at a playground where we travel. Some cities do playgrounds really well (Paris, for instance, or Kyiv was great, too), while some lag slightly behind (we’re looking at you, Barcelona and Rome).

Luckily, Prague clearly belongs among the cities that do playgrounds really well. So if you’re traveling to Prague with your kids, here’s our favorite kids’ playgrounds in Prague.

Best Cocktail Bars in Prague, 2022 edition

Best Cocktail Bars in Prague, 2022 edition

Everybody knows about the beer. Some know about the wine. But where Prague really punches way above its weight, it’s artisanal cocktails. (And specialty coffee - just see for yourself).

And after two plus years of covid that feel like twenty regular ones (btw, have you seen my hair? I seem to have lost it some time in 2020), we all need a drink. (If you’re reading this later on, this was written days after Mr Smith “slapped the sh*t out of” Mr Rock.) And in that sense, Prague delivers. So where do you go to have a drink? Just read below... and enjoy. (Another Prague’s hidden gem: our Prague food tours, of course. [End of shameless plug.])

War in Ukraine and the Czech Republic

War in Ukraine and the Czech Republic

You may be watching the recent developments in Ukraine with the same dread and anxiety and fear for civilian lives as much as we do here in Prague. We stand with Ukraine as it faces a violent, unprovoked aggression from the Russian government. We say Russian government because we firmly believe that regular Russians as a people have nothing to do with this and have no interest or desire to wage a senseless war against a neighbor.

But perhaps you are from overseas and planning a trip to Prague, or Central Europe as a whole, and you’re thinking how it may affect us, or your trip. So we thought it would be a good idea to clarify how the war in Ukraine affects us here in Prague, and how do we feel about it here in Prague. And let’s be honest here: when I write “we”, I mean fairly affluent, liberal-leaning urban dwellers from Prague. We’re not the ambassadors of Czechia, and can’t speak for everybody here, but we feel compelled to give our two cents about this whole situation. So let’s get to it.

Executive summary

If you’re planning a trip to Prague, come over. It’s safe, and the fighting is far. Just give support to Ukraine and see if you can help from where you are. This proud nation deserves it.