summer house

Meet our Summer House

Meet our Summer House

Confession: We never really wanted a summer house. Zuzi said that people who have one tend to become slaves to it, and once they buy it, they stop travelling abroad. We never wanted that. Also, it should be noted - for those not growing up in Czechia - that summer houses are a big deal here. Having a summer house under Communism was having a little safe haven, a „room of one’s own“, but in a completely different sense. Many people had one, while others aspired to have one. Buying and selling summer houses is a big part of the real estate business here. But as we said, we never wanted one, really.

And then 2020 came. And we got stuck in our apartment, in the middle of a city, avoiding crowds, barely leaving. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a summer house somewhere in a village, where you could just breath a little, walk around the woods and meadows, enjoying your solitary, mask-less existence? Yes, if there were two professions that saw their businesses flourish during the pandemic, it was divorce lawyers and realtors in the countryside.

Anyway, long story short, we have a summer house. We invited you ask us questions about it on our Instagram, so this is a post that will try to answer many of them.