Thank you for booking our Letna apartment! We are really excited to meet you in Prague!
We hope this web page brings you all the information you may need, and more.
The address of the apartment is:
Frantiska Krizka 461/11
170 00 Prague 7
Czech Republic
In case you get lost and forgot the address, it is convenient to ask for the directions to the Bio Oko cinema. Most people will know where the cinema is. The apartment is right next to the cinema.
Getting to the apartment
We have compiled a pdf document that shows the directions from the most common "places of entry", incl. the airport, the train station and the bus terminal. It also shows the driving directions and some parking lots nearby. You will find the document here.
If you are looking for someone to take you from the airport to the apartment, we have had very good experience with this service. Other good taxi services in Prague include AAA Taxi, SpeedCars or TickTack. Avoid getting a cab in front of a train/bus station when you arrive. Here's why.
Map of the neighborhood
This is hardly a comprehensive map but it shows the most important things. The apartment is the red pin; eateries are shown in blue, and points of interest are green.
Staying in the apartment
The manual for the apartment can be downloaded here.
If you have any further questions, please let us know!
Looking forward to meeting you in Prague,
Zuzi and Jan